Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Choose a Product - Partner in Internet Marketing

Here's a question for you? Is About Streamyx Combo with WiFi@Home quality of the product or service more important than the name and branding of the product or service?

I would say that is a fair argument to say that what the product or service actually delivers what it promises to is the most important thing. Otherwise it can be considered nothing but a trick or a con.

So are there brands out there that have a strong name or profile... yet actually provide poor, expensive or just plain inferior services or products? I can certainly think of several examples of this in the UK: Some are big companies with a national or even international presence that I have moved away from being a customer of due to incompetence, poor quality products or lousy customer service. Clearly they have been guilty of not doing what they say they are going to do. I'm sure you have your own examples in mind now, as this is not a UK only issue!

This is why it is important to evaluate all aspects of any product or service you may be associating with when involved in Internet marketing. One bad recommendation can damage your list and YOUR reputation forever just by association - and amount to a huge waste of your own time and money in the process. There are so many other things to consider when looking for affiliate partners and other internet marketing partners. Previous experience and mistakes were valuable learnings that guided me well in my evaluations. Here are the areas and questions that were important to me:

* Who is behind the product and what reputation do they have?

* What guarantees do they offer Customers/Affiliates?

* Streamyx Activation you get your website provided?

* Do you get proven copywriting?

* Do you get an auto responder system that is already programmed to communicate with your customers?

* Do you get a BIG ticket end product that can put between around $500 - $1000 per sale in your pocket?

* Do you get small ticket product sales, as these can help cover your marketing costs?

* Do you have your serious prospects telephoned on your behalf? This step alone can help to boost your conversions like crazy!

* Do you get the option of an online support community?

* Finally, do you leverage of the benefit from sales made by your customers, and their customers etc?

An example I can give first hand is that I am involved in a project where we were using the phrase 'Instant Income' in the marketing, which many of us felt was open to being misunderstood. The word instant has now been replaced by the word 'INFINITE' and I am delighted about this not only because it is a more accurate description for my prospects, but also because it verifies for me that I have chosen ethical and flexible partners to work with who listen and are customer focused.

Was the change strictly necessary? No, and it's no doubt cost them a fair bit to make the change, but they recognise the importance of reputation and integrity when branding and marketing products and services - and that is exactly the sort of partner most people are looking for when evaluating all the internet marketing opportunities out there.

Celebrating 10 years as a successful online business owner, John Rattigan can show you the shortcuts to online success and get a proven blueprint of exactly how YOU can make money online fast and how YOU can create massive wealth on demand, download John's free Instant Income Report at http://www.instantincomefreedom.com

L’importante ?non scordare come siano le persone a decretare il successo o l’insuccesso della vostra strategia enterprise 2.0.Cos?si chiude il post di Emanuele Quintarelli che analizza il caso (di successo ) di uso delle tecnologie 2.0 in Lago, un’azienda di arredo di design.Consiglio: da leggere con calma, pensandose sei un imprenditore/artigiani/libero professionista: se

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